Bird Board

Yellow warbler at A.D barnes

Carlos Sanchez and I were birding the park this morning when we saw a juvenile yellow warbler in a mixed feeding flock at the elevated Boardwalk. There is also a female hooded warbler close to the same area where Jeanette, Jack, and I located it.

Other people let us know about the female hooded before we relocated it. Another cool bird we saw was a eastern kingbird perched on a Australian pine. It was pretty birdy this morning


Greg Jones
about 9 years ago

There was also a Swainson's Warbler at Barnes this morning in the area just west of the cabin. Debbie and I had 11 species of warblers as well as 2 Summer Tanagers and a Chuck-will's-widow.

Bill Boeringer
about 9 years ago

There was a male Hooded Warbler near the LAC buildings on Thursday late in the day, as well as 2 Eastern Wood-Pewees....

Brandon Trentler
about 9 years ago

Lorena and I were birding the boardwalk area this morning and identified a female hooded above the boardwalk area. She flew down from the oaks and spent a good couple minutes flying around between some bushes near to the ground. This was around 10am.

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