Birding 101 Program Information

About the Program

Tropical Audubon Society offers an interactive program targeting 4th grade students, focused on avian biology, human impacts on birds and the historical significance of bird conservation in Florida. This program, free for all public and charter schools within Miami-Dade County, includes one hour-long introductory classroom visit and up to four field trips, all designed to inspire students to care about protecting our feathered neighbors.

Classroom Visit

History of Audubon and Birds: How did Audubon get its start? Where do birds come from? Why study birds? This lesson covers the history of National and Tropical Audubon Society, bird conservation, and what to expect at the Steinberg Nature Center. The introductory lesson includes a 30-minute interactive talk followed by a 30-minute activity.

Activity: Students will learn how ornithologists take notes and illustrate the birds they find. Colored pencils and markers are provided!

Aligned Standards: SC.4.N.1.6, SC.4.L.17.4, SS.4.A.1.2

Class visits are available Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays with a start time between 10am-1pm.

Field Trips

Bird Identification

There are over 10,000 bird taxa in the world! In order to be able to tell the difference between a pigeon and a puffin, you need to know what to look for. This lesson gives an overview of the six clues to bird identification and discusses the challenges of identification in the field.

Activity: Students will be taught how to use binoculars and practice using them while birding at the Steinberg Nature Center. Bird cutouts are available for “less birdy” days.

Aligned Standards: SC.4.N.1.6, SC.4.L.17.1

Feathers and Migration

Migration is an important part of many bird species’ life cycle. Why is that? We will address the Atlantic Flyway, an important migration route for many North American birds, why some birds migrate and some don’t, and the role feathers play to get them from here to there.

Activity: Students will be provided with a hands-on learning experience with bird feathers and will learn how to identify birds by species and feather type.

Aligned Standards: SC.4.L.16.2, SC.4.L.16.3, SC.4.L.17.1, SC.4.L.17.4, SC.4.L.16.4

Habitats and Adaptation

Why do spoonbills have flat beaks? Why do woodpeckers tap on trees? This program focuses on how birds physically and behaviorally adapt to live in the habitats they call home.

Activity: Students will learn what owls eat through an interactive owl pellet dissection and will take on the roles of herons, hummingbirds, and woodpeckers to learn what they eat in our Eat Like a Bird activity.

Aligned Standards: SC.4.L.16.2, SC.4.L.16.3

The Pioneer Challenge

This program gives students a chance to learn how early pioneers lived in South Florida about 150 years ago. How did pioneers protect their homes from Florida panthers? Where does arrowroot flour come from and can you use it to make cookies?

Activity: Students will be given a series of challenges and resolve them using pioneer knowledge.

Aligned Standards: SS.4.A.4.2

Field trips are available Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays with a start time between 10am-1pm.

To book a tour, please contact education specialist, Alison Enchelmaier.  

Office: 305-667-7337

Our Education Program is partially funded by Miami-Dade County.