Bird Board

Yellow-breasted Chat

Yellow-breasted Chat seen in underbrush along right fork of the nature trail in Markham Park in Weston this AM. Bird was seen in the area to the right of the small Gumbo Limbo tree that is about 25 feet past the large prominent dead tree on the right fork of the nature trail. (There is a path going back into the interior right there). It was very wet there this morning. I wore muck boots and ventured back into the interior were I observed N. Waterthrush and White-eyed Vireo, along with a good sized Black Racer in a tree. Bird Images included in my ebird post, that hopefully will show up in the link I am including.
Blackburnian warbler seen feeding in the trees along the southern and eastern edges of the butterfly garden, along with Prairie, Redstart Cape May. At least four Spot-breasted Orioles observed as well.


about 8 years ago

Today I saw a black-throated blue and a common yellowthroat (butterfly garden) and a Northern Waterthrush working the puddles on the outskirts west of the dog park and lake.

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