Bird Board

Wilson's Warbler at Robert King High

I did some birding after work today, visiting Blue Lakes Park (a pretty basic county park-- current ebird hotspot species count is 49), a random residential spot on my commute that was holding a black-throated green and Robert King High Park (near Flagler and 70th avenue) after picking up my camera at home. Robert King High was pretty birdy... 9 warbler species in under an hour. I was really disappointed to not spend more time looking around since I missed easy warblers including northern parula, black-throated blue, northern waterthrush and worm-eating warbler which are usually around.
Here is a link to some photos of the Wilson's, a couple other birds and also a very interestingly colored brown anole I saw at Blue Lakes Park:


Kurt D
almost 5 years ago

The brown anole head color is fairly common in Broward. I'm also aware of several locations where solid red morphs are fairly common. Have some photos in my phone but can't post. Google red anole and they will come up. They are quite spectacular

almost 5 years ago

Thanks for sharing, Kurt. I've seen some pictures of the red ones in Broward on iNaturalist, they are stunning!

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