Bird Board

White-rumped Sandpipers Sunday 5/20

With Brandon's ebird report of seeing the bird on Saturday 5/19, I decided to give it another shot having missed the bird last week. at the West Kendall Agricultural Area on SW 120th St just west of 157 Ave. There were fewer birds in general but I finally spotted the first sandpiper in a puddle with a stilt. When it flew I was able to clearly see the white rump. As it flew it stirred up another sandpiper and as I watched them settle and pick up another 2 to 3 times it appeared that the second bird also had a white rump. The second bird never settled together with the first white-rumped which eventually did come closer getting good views of the streaking on the chest and flanks. Brandon did show up and we both had looks at the birds before they both flew off to another larger and farther puddle. He may also have a picture or two. I noticed halfway there that I forgot my camera at home, errg


over 6 years ago

One still present this morning 5/22 with about five Semipalmated Sandpipers.

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