Bird Board

Upland Sandpipers and Shiny Cowbirds - Florida City 8/17

Ben Woodard, (now residing in Port St. Lucie) and I birded Florida City this afternoon.

We found a male Shiny Cowbird perched on a wire with several Brown-headed Cowbirds along SW 217 Avenue just north of Lucille Drive. Look for the sign for Excel Farms, the birds were just south of the sign.

Encouraged by Rangel's post and tips from Larry Manfredi, we drove SW 384th street west from SW 217th Avenue. SW 384th street is a gravel road that traverses fallow agricultural land. We continued west past SW 222th Avenue (I don't think there is signage there). Scanning north from the road, we spotted four Upland Sandpipers about four-hundred feet past the intersection of 384 street and 222 Avenue. They were west of the row of vegetation.

Cliff (10) , Barn (100s), Bank (15) and Northern Rough-winged Swallows (2) were all in the area.

We swung by Kendall on the way back to Miami and found several Red-whiskered Bulbuls.

Despite the 90 degree weather, after spending five months working three seasonal positions in California, Wyoming and Massachusetts, it was welcome to catch up with some South Florida birds before I head off to the next thing in September.



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