Bird Board

Updates on recent birds

A few good birds were seen the last few days and I'm wondering if any were seen today. Please give me updates on the following to see if I chase tomorrow:

Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher
Canada Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
Swainson's Warbler
Kentucky Warbler
Hooded Warbler

And just in case:
Temink's Stint
Chestnut-collared Longspur
Seberian Accentor
Collared Plover
Resplendent Quetzal
Wandering Tatler


Joel Rosenthal
about 9 years ago

If you're looking for one, it likely looks somewhat like this:
a short plane ride and drive away at Savegre Mountain Lodge, C.R.

not to be confused with its cousin(?)
a much longer(pair of ) plane rides, and 8 hour drive on the Manu Road, Peru.

Let us know if you get any local reports...

Brian Rapoza
about 9 years ago

We'll spend two nights at Savegre Mountain Lodge during the TAS trip to Costa Rica in July, 2016. If you'd like to join us, act quickly, as only two spaces are still available! A detailed itinerary is at Email me to request a trip application.

Joel N Rosenthal
about 9 years ago

Savegre is a special place. The local chamber of commerce has a deal with the quetzals, I think. They are there in abundance-so much so that after a day of observing and photographing them-including a displaying pair of males--they become yard birds. other good stuff there too
photos and some poor videos here:
comfortable place to stay, good food and easy birding right on the grounds(where most of the photos were taken).

about 9 years ago

Believe it or not, Costa Rica is on my to-do list. If you can add some fishing to the Costa Rica trip itinerary, I'm there!

about 9 years ago

Brian Rapoza - could you please email me an application for the CR trip?

steve siegel
about 9 years ago

There is a trout stream that runs right past the entrance of Savegre Mountain Lodge. Good place for Torrent Flycatcher, too.

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