Bird Board

Trip Report 4/30 Birch State Park and Evergreen Cemetery

Birders from both SFAS/TAS made this annual spring migration trip. The first bird was the one I hoped for Black-whiskered Vireo. We all got really good looks at it, including the whisker as it ate a big insect high in the tree. The warblers came one at a time but we did see a few nice ones. At Birch we had Black-throated Blue, American Redstart and Black and White Warblers. Our best looks came with a Ovenbird along a shady trail and a Prairie Warbler in the Live Oak canopy. Chimney Swifts winged by.
At Evergreen Cemetery things picked up with Blackpoll, Northern Waterthrush along the waters edge and a leftover Blue-grey Gnatcatcher. A Coopers Hawk ate a lizard in a close tree and we had excellent scope views of this awesome male raptor. But our best looks came with a 2 Magnolia Warblers low in the shrubs at the overlook. It's brilliant yellow breast with black streaks and white wing patches showing spring finery at it's best. This uncommon warbler was a life bird for many. A new excited birder Paul Waller got 6 life birds for the day. Hoorah!!!


Judd Pesold
over 8 years ago

Thnx Paddy for the report.
I did see some of the E.Bird reports .
I am guessing the vireo was in the vicinity of .the Garden Club . Cool.
Sorry I couldn't join the walk .I had to Work ,,,
In 2005 .on an Air Show morning , I had 5 singing Vireos singing throughout the park .
Let's hope for a Connecticut Warbler or 2 this week .!!!
good birding

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