Bird Board

Tragedy during the TAS North Broward trip today

Sadly, the group was witness to the blowdown of the Bald Eagle nest at Quiet Waters Park today. As it so happened, there was a couple that had pulled off the highway and were irresponsibly standing directly under the nest taking photos (seriously agitating the adults) who were nearly struck. They were, however, able to report to the group that there was a single, newly hatched chick that had survived the fall. We were able to quickly get in touch with one of the park naturalists who was on his way out to the chick as we left (we could not get out there as we were on the other side of the boundary fence). Doubtful that there will be any positive result, but I am in touch with the park naturalists and if there is any new other than the anticipated bad news, I'll pass it along here.


over 8 years ago

That's so sad. Is there signage marking a safe buffer zone from the nest?

over 8 years ago

So sad - please do give updates! The wind was wicked in PBC and I wonder about the effect on other raptor nests :(

Bruce P
over 8 years ago

I received an update this morning on the eaglet. It turns out that there were two eaglets, approx. 2 weeks old, one of which did not survive the fall. The other was taken to Busch Wildlife Sanctuary where it was determined to have a small fracture in one wing, which was repaired. At last report, the eaglet was active and eating well.
Elsa, yes there was signage and FHP was on notice to remove and ticket anyone pulling off the highway. There is also a devoted volunteer nest watcher who just happened to have left for a little while. Unfortunately, you just can't fix stupid.

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