Bird Board

Three Exotics in Broward

Today off University at Catholic Church, there were two white-faced whistling ducks, three red-crested pochards and one trumpeter swan.
All in small pond behind church.
I have pics but don't know how to upload to this site, first time to post on it.

Can't figure out how to upload images. i have good shots of each


Brian Rapoza
over 7 years ago

This pond has been stocked with exotic waterfowl and has been well known to local birders for some time. In recent weeks, eBird has been flooded with reports of these birds.

For future reference, instructions for posting photos can be found on the BirdBoard FAQ page.

over 7 years ago

please not that this location is part of the school and church, while school is open for the day people (strangers) with cameras and binos and school children is not a good mix.

Brian Rapoza
over 7 years ago

Steve, I understand what you're saying (sort of), but are you aware of any complaints by officials at the church/school regarding birders/photographers at this location?

over 7 years ago

Yes The Lagans were there and in their listing a comment was posted
"Pond is located next to an elementary school. As we were observing the area through the fence, we were approached by school security and asked to limit visits and/or photos to after school hours (3:30 pm) or weekends for the children's security. We did explain the attraction was due to the rare waterfowl"

Brian Rapoza
over 7 years ago

I suspect that validation of these introduced exotics on eBird is what is encouraging more and more birders to visit this location. End the validation and you'll see a sharp decrease in visits. Just my opinion.

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