Bird Board

TAS walk March 5 Everglades NP-PHOTOS and two videos

In anticipation of John Boyd's forthcoming report on yesterday's TAS walk, I am attaching links to the passable photos I was able to get of the birds I saw for so much of the birdwalk as I was able to attend. Commitments in the early evening compelled me to depart from Mahogany Hammock at about 2 pm, but detoured on the way home at Pa-Hay-Okee to scout up a barred owl. I spent an hour and a half there photographing what eventually was a pair of these wonderful birds, and even took two 30 second videos of the birds, one of which shows one bird, then pans to the other. The photos and videos are all combined in one flickr album, or can be viewed in my photostream, linked below.
Thanks for the guiding John, and to the other participants who helped me overcome my usual myopia in order to photograph these birds.
photostrem here:


Paul L
over 8 years ago

Very nice for one day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing.

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