Bird Board

TAS trip Wakodahatchee/Green Cay 3/17/18

12 people joined me on a gorgeous day but we started at different places. I was at Wakodahatchee while everyone else was at Green Cay! We got that sorted and were on our way at Wakodahatchee (it fills up real fast these days). The green heron was on the nest right by the entrance and wood storks were everywhere. Two black crowned night herons were also near the entrance. Black bellied whistling ducks were more than numerous. The usual suspects were about; tricolors, common gallinules, coots, blue winged teal and, of course, pied billed grebes. The nesters were busy with chicks in various stages of growth; most common being wood storks. They have really taken over. Even glossy ibis were nest building. Watched a huge gator attempt to get a cormorant and then a tricolor, but he wasn't quick enough. A total of four marsh rabbits made appearances. There were 2 black necked stilts in the back along with white winged doves (some on the ground), martins in the house and a beautiful pine warbler in a pine. Purple gallinules were common as were gray headed swamphens. We watched a squabble between an anhinga and a cattle egret over nest crowding which was quite interesting. Ended with a Wilson's snipe and white iguanas (having been pooped on for weeks). The water here was high in the front and almost nil in parts of the back.

Was welcomed at Green Cay by cardinals and painted buntings at the brand new feeders out front of the nature center. A limpkin was calling and we eventually spotted it. There were martins here as well. The screech owls were not available while we were there. There was a mottled duck pair with 9 ducklings, all very cute. We also saw the lone male green winged teal preening but very far away. There were a group of common gallinules with chicks. And finally, a sora, not all got to see it. Warblers at both places were lacking. Myrtles, palms, a black & white, and a couple common yellow throats as well as the aforementioned pine. The water here was very, very low and there were a couple of killdeer as we exited.

So nothing special but all very enjoyable!


Nick Bithorn
over 6 years ago

Hey Nancy, thanks for sharing. I'm so happy to be back in FL. Yeah, 4 seasons, blah, blah, blah. NC was fun while it lasted. I'll take the diversity of birds and people down here any day. I saw the 1 open spot for Dry Tortugas that just opened up, and though tempting I'm still 60 days into managing a resort on Marco Island. Definitely next year! My favorite iguanas, white iguanas. Did I tell you about the time I got pooped on by a Spot-breasted Oriole in Dad's yard one morning. Gotta go!

Love ya,
Nick Bithorn

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