Bird Board

TAS Field Trip South Broward 03/19/16

TAS Trip Report
South Broward Birding Trip
March 19, 2016
Trip Leader-John Hutchison
14 people enjoyed a great day of birding with a total of 57 species of birds sighted. Highlights are below:
Markham Park:
Spot-breasted Oriole-3
Magnolia Warbler-2
Least Bittern-2
Savannah Sparrow-1
Burrowing Owl-4 (great views)
At Markam we had a discussion with one of the employees at the burrowing owl site. I discussed how many places have lost burrowing owls due to coyote activity. The employee informed us that the county has trapped and relocated 5 coyotes to date. They realized that the coyotes were a problem.
Long Key Nature Center:
Wood Duck-4
Wilson's Snipe-1
Purple Martin-numerous

John Hutchison


Alice & Bob Pace
over 8 years ago

Thank you John for a great trip. It was good to be out birding with TAS. It was our first time at Long Key Nature Center, but we will be returning!

over 8 years ago

Where at Long Key are the Wood Ducks seem? Thanks...😊

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