Bird Board

TAS Field Trip Shark Valley Photos

Thanks to John Hutchinson for leading an enjoyable and productive trip today, and to all who attended and helped me spot the few birds I was able to capture on what passes for film now. There are about 45 or so photographs on my Flickr site:
of birds seen this morning--when you get to the photos of the screech owl in my backyard, you've gone past today's images... As usual, click on the images to enlarge them--surprisingly many of them are not too heavily cropped(excepting the usual warblers and the soaring snail kite)-since John seems to have some capacity to get birds within reasonable distance for photography. My best bird image today is the great crested flycatcher, which joined us for/at lunch-although I missed the shots of his caterpillar entree. Those images are only sharpened-no color enhanced, or shadows manipulated etc. I would have liked to have done better with the black throated green-but the light was poor and the tree limbs obscuring-but the flash did capture some of his green wash. Captions to each photo to follow when I get around to it...


John Hutchison
over 8 years ago

Joel--thanks for the great pictures.

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