Bird Board

TAS field Trip report nov 3 rd Palm Beach County

A seasonable pleasant Saturday trip to Green Cay and Wakodahatchee attracted 17 participants and we logged 61 species .

Notable this year we had very high water levels at both places probable result it was my first trip with no Sora.

Combine Totals of swamphens exceeded 20 . A probably high . We were blessed with two good size flocks of warblers in frenzy that tested the groups ability to focus of individual birds . At Green Cay the best was orange crowned. At Wakodahatchee cape may . 11 species in total .

A great highlight at Wakodahatchee was three Shovelers ..

We all enjoyed our usual gourmet lunch and called it a day in early afternoon.

Great day of birding


Justin Miller
almost 6 years ago

Surprised to hear you didn't encounter sora on Saturday - I assume the group met early at Green Cay.
I did two rounds of the boardwalk at Green Cay starting at 1pm, and spotted 3 sora all along the long north open stretch, to the south of the boardwalk - one came out quite nicely in the open and gave me some good shots of him.
Mid-afternoon I hit two waves of warblers/vireos - one near the cypress canopy on the west side of Green Cay and one by the front entrance. Mostly usuals - black-throated blue, palm, prairie, B&W, plus white-eyed & blue-headed vireo, american redstart, and northern parula, all in pretty good numbers.

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