Bird Board

Swainson's Warbler seen at A.D. Barnes about 11:00 a.m. today

I went back to A.D. Barnes today to look for something I lost yesterday. I encountered several birders while walking most of the park. They all said that many of the key birds identified yesterday were not seen. it was raining off and on. As I left, just south of the water feature near the nature center, I saw a Swainson's Warbler briefly. All the main field marks were seen clearly . It flew from the east side of the path to the west--but I did not try to relocate it as it was raining quite heavily.


Alice Pace
about 9 years ago

Was it by a lens cap you lost? One was on picnic table on the porch of a cabin.

Jeanette Rawls
about 9 years ago

Alice, I just now saw your post! It was my prescription glasses. A lens fell out from one side while I was at the bird walk. I already had it replaced.


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