Bird Board

Southern Ecuador Birding Tour, July 15-31, 2017

Tropical Audubon Society is pleased to announce the latest addition to our field trip calendar: a birding tour to southern Ecuador in July, 2017, beginning and ending in Guayaquil. We’ll cover everything from southern Ecuador's coastal region to swamps, deserts, arid scrub, deciduous forests, rainforests, montane cloud forests, high altitude elfin forests, and páramo. Our tour will give you the chance to see almost all the birds endemic to the Tumbesian “bioregion” of western Ecuador and northwestern Peru, as well as a number of high Andean species shared only with remote parts of northern Peru.
Cost will be $4,595.00 per person double occupancy, $260.00 single supplement. Singles are occasionally unavailable at some of the smaller lodges. If you pay a single supplement and are required to share a room anywhere, your single supplement for that night will be refunded. Costs includes lodging, meals, ground transportation and entry fees. Click on the link below for a detailed itinerary. For additional information or to request a trip application, email me at

Southern Ecuador 2017


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