Bird Board

Snowy Plover: Crandon Beach

Today while we conducted the 5-Year Piping Plover Census, a Snowy Plover roamed into my spotting scope view. Shane was birding the area and luckily, he got to enjoy the bird. Rangel, Miriam, Liz and I covered the beach from the Cape Florida lighthouse to Bear Cut. In addition to the Snowy, there were 35 Piping , 3 Wilson's and 103 Semipalmated Plovers, 6 Dunlin, 2 Forster's Terns and other usual shorebirds, gulls and terns. The Black-bellied Plovers, Short-billed Dowitchers and peeps may come in on a lower tide and perhaps the Red Knot will accompany them.

Eight Piping Plovers are banded, including a female spending her 7th winter on Crandon. This makes a total of 10 banded Piping Plovers recorded on Crandon since August.

Many thanks to Robert Carmona for upgrading the shorebird roost area.

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over 8 years ago

Any way to tell if this is the same Snowy that's been seen there the last several years?

Nico Salino
over 8 years ago

SNPL still there as of this afternoon. I hope it stick around until May like last year.

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