Bird Board

Snake Road, Broward Co.

Great success with local Broward specialties this morning along the western county border. White-tailed Kite 1/2 mile north of Field Office complex on west side of road. Lousiana Waterthrush at empty livestock pens northeast of that was only notable migrant. Also Bobwhite, Turkey, Sandhill Crane, Swallow-tailed Kite.
Richardson Pk had one B&W Warbler only.
Good birding, Russ Titus with John Hutchison, Steve Fass and Al Cyr.


Russ Titus
over 7 years ago

I forgot to mention, very importantly, that you need to pull completely off the road onto one of many farm pull-offs when birding Snake (aka Government) Road. There are many fast vehicles and historically many fatalities along this stretch.

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