Bird Board

Smooth-billed Ani @ Loxahatchee

Mariel and I just relocated the Smooth-billed Ani that Mike Baranski found earlier in the month! Hopefully pictures to follow. Ani relocated on Marsh trail berm that runs along AG field. From parking lot, take trail on east side of pavilion. Bird was flying around west of berm when we spotted it. Finally settled in Coco plum on west side of berm, a bench is located here. Later the Ani flew east and sat in Cypress trees on east side of berm. Snail Kites patrolling the cells and Limpkin with young on east side of berm.

Nature is Awesome
Angel & Mariel


over 9 years ago

Among the many theories about the demise of this species in South Florida, I have not heard the following theory. I just saw a photo of this bird up in Lox and noticed it's in a Brazilian Pepper tree. This species was most prevalent in our area during a time when exotic vegetation was at it's highest coverage. Since then, there has been considerable effort in eradicating many of these exotic plant species, including Brazilian Pepper. Could it be that the Ani were somehow dependant on one or more of these species, and that the removal of exotic vegetation is what brought down the numbers of the Ani? Or, is there still enought exotic vegetation out there in the right areas and the cause of the decline of the Ani is something unrelated? Discuss.

Marcie Kapsch
over 9 years ago

The Ani was photographed again on June 25th near the marsh trail, between the agricultural field and the marsh, where it had been seen recently. I was sent a great picture if anyone is interested.

Marcello Gomes
over 9 years ago

Hi all,
It's been awhile but I'm still alive:)
Yes, the bird is still around. Had a chance to get a couple of shots. Bird is on the Marsh Trail. It is the first trail on the left after you enter the property. From the parking lot, walk south on Marsh Trail about .2 miles. This is what I observed: With my binoculars saw an Ani coming up from a bush and flying to a tall cypress tree at Bedner's property on the south side. Bird climbed several times its branches almost to the top. Then it flew east to the limits of the farm. As it took off, another bird of the same size flew together. When I mentioned that to my buddy Brian Fedak he told me someone saw one and heard two birds calling yesterday. I say: Bingo! Now would they be nesting assuming it's a pair??? I'll leave that up to your imagination:) Sorry, can't confirm that.
I finally had a change to get a couple of shots on one of them. Morning light is against you if you're trying to photograph this bird. Oh well. Some shots are better than no shots I guess...Reports are on Ebird as well.

My link to my Flickr website is:

p.s. My sister is not a birder nor a photographer but she managed to rescue a fledgling House Sparrow that fell out of a nest and was all wet and helpless. In the past few days, she is helping the little guy to get better and s/he is. Check it out. S/he is just about ready to fly from what I gather.

Angel & Mariel
over 9 years ago

Ani still showing nicely. This time over by the observation tower. Mariel spotted and heard the bird far off, flying south and eventually perching atop an oak next to the observation tower. There are in fact two birds here as we originally thought and they are copulating. We first heard two birds on Tuesday, but did not see both birds together. Today we recorded them copulating!

Nature is Awesome
Angel & Mariel

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