Bird Board

Second Nashville Warbler

Today I had a Nashville Warbler at Matheson Hammock Park, I had another one yesterday at Kendall Indian Hammocks. It was in the area where a Blue-winged Warbler was previously reported a year or two ago, the main entrance (not the one by Fairchild Tropical Garden). As you come in through the main entrance, the second garbage can on the left, where there is a bench. There were many other warblers in the same spot, including a Magnolia Warbler. A strangler fig has plenty of fruit.


Brian Rapoza
almost 9 years ago

A Nashville Warbler has also been present at A D Barnes Park. Jack Crittendon reported it on eBird on 11/21 and 11/23. I saw it this morning in the picnic area next to where a new restroom is being constructed.

almost 9 years ago

I saw the Nashville Warbler at 8:30 am in the oak at the north west corner of homeless hammock, in AD Barnes

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