Bird Board

Saturday TAS Trip report

TAS trip report North Broward 1 /23

Thanks to Bruce Pickholtz for his trip assistance .

We had 20 birders braving strong winds

There were no songbird highlights due to these Gale winds.

At Tall Cyprus

We were treated with at least partial views of a Great Horned Owl on nest

At Quiet Waters we hike out to view the eagles the two adult soared in the gale winds calling and hunting over the lake. Often very close . They keep flying back and forth to the nest . On the walk we were glad to see 8 Lesser Scaup. We arrived at our designated viewing spot. We enjoyed the eagles and viewing the nest and as Bruce posted a gust blew the nest and nestling to the ground.

At last report Busch Garden was sending a team to pick up the chick.

On the way back to our cars we were treated with a peregrine viewing.

All and all a tragic day .


Bruce P
over 8 years ago

Here's a picture of the GHOW nesting in, of all things, a large feral Staghorn Fern at Tall Cypress.
Great Horned Owl
See previous post for update on eaglet.

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