Bird Board

Saturday's TAS ENP Trip

About 15 birders joined me at the Coe Visitor's Center. We started by birding around the visitor's center. The highlight there was a lovely Yellow-throated Warbler. We then walked down the road toward the residence area. Although birding was not as productive as the last few times I've done this, we did find some birds. The White-eyed Vireos and Cardinals were vocal, and we managed to spot some. Flicker as well as Prairie and Pine warblers were heard. I think some of the group may have seen a Pine. We also found an Eastern Phoebe. I also heard a short song that sounded like an Eastern Bluebird. Then it was silent. The last Bluebirds I saw in park were 3 years ago, so I don't what to think about it.

We then headed to Anhinga Trail. Highlights there included Purple Gallinules and both morphs of Short-tailed Hawk. Gumbo Limbo Trail mostly had catbirds. We then headed out Research Road, stopping for a walk at Gate 2. That was unproductive, but we made a roadside stop later that included Brown-headed Nuthatches, Pine Warblers, and calling Flickers (some of the group did see Flickers at some point, but not me). We heard that there were some waders near the restoration staging area. We did see Wood Storks and other waders there, but we did not walk out to get a good look. The truck activity precluded using the road, and I was not included to walk the group through the prairie. At the west end of the road we found Eastern Meadowlarks and a Loggerhead Shrike. There was also a Northern Bobwhite calling.

By then it was a bit after noon, and time for lunch, so we headed to Long Pine Key. We were serenaded by Pine Warbler during lunch. An Eastern Towhee came out to investigate. Shortly before we left, a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker flew to a nearby tree.

One our way to Mahogany Hammock, we spotted some Wood Storks and other waders by the side of the road. We found only a few warblers in the hammock, but that included a stunning Black-throated Green Warbler. Swallow-tailed Kites were seen outside, and we finally found a Red-shouldered Hawk.

Paurotis Pond yielded Wood Storks, Roseate Spoonbills, and other waders. Nine-mile Pond was pretty quiet, but we found some birds at Mrazek Pond. Besides the usual waders, we found a couple of Belted Kingfishers, Common Gallinule, and a Great White Heron. There was also a flock of Wood Storks flying about.

We finally arrived at Flamingo. The tide was very high, so there was no sandbar to scope. We noticed an American Crocodile on the far bank in the marina area. After a bathroom break, we headed over to the amphitheater area. There was a hunting American Kestrel, but nothing on the shoreline. Our last stop was Eco Pond, which had a number of Black-necked Stilts, a couple of American Avocets, and one each Greater Yellowlegs and Spotted Sandpiper, as well as herons and egrets.

I had the impression that some of the wintering birds had already pulled out.


Joel n Rosenthal
over 5 years ago

I was with the group until we left Mahogany Hammock and managed a few pictures, although my recent inactivity left my minimal photography skills in even shorter supply. I dawdled to try to converse with a visiting Frenchman after the group had departed the west end of Research Road, and was rewarded with the sight of two swallowtailed kites soaring and wheeling above the distant tree line.(Only after viewing all my shots did I notice that in fact there were 3 birds). I have seen and photographed these beautiful birds near my house on Red Road, in Panama, and costa rica, and i never tire of their effortless soaring and dive bombing. I was unprepared for their appearance yesterday , and my blurred photos are evidence of my inept efforts to capture their fantastic display--however, for once i did get identifiable shots of their dorsal color and pattern, which are, in my view, the most appealing aspect of their overall pattern and coloration. I have included 45 photos from yesterday's outing, some of which will enlarge if you click on them. Follow the link to my photos and yesterday's birds start with the egret' close up and the last bird from the trip is the northern cardinal,(although you are welcome to scroll through my photostream or albums) which I photographed in the Coe visitor center parking lot before the group arrived at 730.

Tim Rodenkirk
over 5 years ago

My wife and I camped in Flamingo this past week. Just a couple notes- both Wed and Thursday saw and heard(calling) a beautiful male Hooded Warbler off the Gumbo limbo trail. When walking that trail an old overgrown road bisects it. On the right hand side a couple hundred yards down that road was the warbler both days. It was low in dense brush but popped up for me both days.

On Thursday there was a bright male BT Blue on the Bear Lake trail maybe a mile from the main road.

On Friday at dawn at the Pay-0h-kay overlook heard both whip-poor-will and chuck-wills-widow.

At Lucky Hammock on way out saw 2 Scissor-tails and 3 Western Kingbirds on powerlines.

We had a wonderful visit.

Happy birding all,
Tim Rodenkirk
Headed back to OR

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