Bird Board

Research Road Short-eared Owl

Just a word of caution for anyone chasing the above mentioned SEOW;

After reporting my sighting a few weeks ago I began speaking with several different people who were there the morning of, the evening prior as well as the morning and evening after and all reported Barn Owls. A few dedicated June Challengers even went over to the berm and photographed a very buffy BANO flying around and got mobbed (which may suggest nesting). At this point I am going to suggest that everyone be careful because with a setting sun backlighting the birds in question they can easily be misidentified. Even the bird I saw is in question which totally makes sense because now I am not sure if it was an effect of poor lighting and the excitement of seeing a bear. If anyone manages to photograph a Short-eared Owl please let me know because I am back down to 329 ABA birds in Miami-Dade and 330 sure did feel good...

Good luck!!


about 8 years ago

You know what they say, it's better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all. Although it was short-lived, I'm sure your affair with 330 was worth a life time.

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