Bird Board


Seems everybody is rushing to Delray to see a bird that
a) can reliably be seen throughout its South American range
b) isn't particularly attractive or colorful and
c) looks so much like other cuckoos usually seen in south Florida or elsewhere that it sparked initial confusion about its identity

ok ok. i get it-never seen before in the US-what? is it here to make some statement about Trump or global warning?

I suggest, instead-or perhaps in addition, you travel immediately to Erie, Pa to see a colorful avian freak of nature...

I mean, aren't gender identity issues all the rage these days..?


Joel n Rosenthal
over 5 years ago

edit: global "warming" not "warning" though both are apt...

Phil A.
over 5 years ago

The simple answer is, you have to love birds. Then you'll "get it".

over 5 years ago

When a Eurasian Wigeon shows up among hundreds on American Wigeon in the U.S. it's a big deal. When an American Wigeon shows up among hundreds of Eurasian Wigeon in England it's a big deal. If you can't understand that, then I don't know how else to put it.

Joel n Rosenthal
over 5 years ago

alas, Phil, I do "get it"--i do love birds, though i am not an obsessive twitcher or lister, indeed, it is some "birders" i have some problems with.:) You might have gotten an idea of that from my post here about a previous rarity appearance 12 years ago
or look at some of my bird photos that reflect my interest
and Toe should know better than to get his primary feathers ruffled, when all i was aiming at was the tail :)

Phil A.
over 5 years ago

There's no doubt you are clever and good with a camera. But I don't think a Birding Forum is a good place to slight birders.

Sue Young
over 5 years ago

Don't feed the trolls.

Jay Keller
over 5 years ago

Hmmm, where do I fit in with this if I am only mildly annoyed that I returned from visiting San Diego the day after the bird was last seen, even though I have seen it in South America and live 15 minutes from West Delray RP which I visit often? Should I be more annoyed, or less? LOL.

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