Bird Board

POSSIBLE La Sagra's Flycatcher: Cape Florida

This is a heads-up for anyone birding Bill Baggs Cape Florida SP. From 11:15-11:20 AM today (5/5), Miriam Avello and I heard a possible La Sagra's Flycatcher call four times with its signature short, whistled "whuEET" vocalization. Unfortunately, the bird stopped calling and we were unable to get a visual. We heard it from inside the lighthouse compound but it sounded like it was farther west. A good place to start checking is the Area D restroom in the extreme southwest part of the park.

As they do many times in spring, Blackpoll Warblers came in after mid-morning. Bobolinks were around the park and a stream of Barn Swallows started at 10 AM. Jim Sigsbee found a Gray-cheeked Thrush and we found a Swainson's Thrush.


Eloso Coddence
over 8 years ago

Where did Miriam find rhe Rose-Breasted Grossbeaks? I've missed those twice now. Thank you!

over 8 years ago

Otto, here are the coordinates to the fig on the bike path where we saw the grosbeak.


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