Bird Board

Ponce Inlet Pelagic 5/29/16

Finally had the pleasure of going out on a Michael Brothers Ponce Inlet Pelagic through the Friends of the Marine Science Center and was it awesome - got my state Black-capped Petrel (ABA FL #359) and it's always a great run when you have a White-tailed Tropicbird hang out with you for 10+ minutes. Can't wait for the next one!

The trip list included:

White-tailed Tropicbird
Black-capped Petrel
Pomarine Jaeger (2 individuals followed boat for hours)
Wilson's Storm-Petrel
Cory's Shearwater
Great Shearwater
Audubon's Shearwater
Sooty Tern
Bridled Tern
Barn Swallow
Common Yellowthroat (landed on the boat)


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