Bird Board

Photos-TAS walk January 30

I had the pleasure of accompanying a good group of birders this morning on the TAS walk that was ably led by Rock Jetty, aka Raul. I have embedded, i hope, one image of my favorite birds today, and have included a link to about 25 photos I was able to salvage from the dozens that I took of birds that were, invariably, too far away to fill a significant portion of my viewfinder,,so the best images have been cropped and enlarged horribly to at least document some of what we all saw...view them at your peril and thank you for not laughing...
Album 72157664074348776


over 8 years ago

Loved the scissor tails.What was that roadkill & where? GODBLESS!!!!

Nancy Freedman
over 8 years ago

Excellent photos Joel! What was that thing with the teeth - I didn't see that?

Joel Rosenthal
over 8 years ago

The caption said it all--what is was, your guess is as good as mine. The off road kill was on the path that dead ends with an open area near the canal(I never get the number right, so I won't guess) where we saw the indigo buntings and where all the shell casings were.
And thanks for the compliments, Nancy-you can be the judge of any photo contests I enter in the future...

Larry Manfredi
over 8 years ago

I pretty sure the road kill photo is a Racoon, those teeth match and the fur seems to match as well.

Larry Manfredi

over 8 years ago

Off roadkill is a coon.Larry was right.Saw it yesterday.Did, not see the scissortails. GODBLESS!!!!

David H
over 8 years ago

Where was this, if I may ask? I am visiting south Florida next week, and would love to see the scissor-tails and the buff-belly.

Thank you.

over 8 years ago

The Scissor-taileds can be found on the wires along the main road into Everglades National Park (SR 9336 aka SW 392 St) at the intersection with Aerojet Rd (SW 232 Ave). I believe lately they are found just east of this intersection. There are two Buff-bellied Hummingbirds at Castellow Hammock Park, 22301 SW 162nd Ave, Miami, FL 33170. One seems to prefer the orchid tree located on your left as you enter the park and drive past the first garden towards the parking lot. The other uses the main butterfly garded along with a few Ruby-throats. The Buff-bellieds will be larger and have a different call than the Ruby-throats.

Joel Rosenthal
over 8 years ago

my photos were taken of the scissor taileds in the field abutting SR 9336 on the west side side of aerojet road i.e. the side closer to the ENP entrance.. They were seen from Aerojet road at Lucky Hammock and some of us drove out to 9336 to get closer and within telephoto range--as you can see from my heavy crops with a 400 mm lens, they were still a ways off. when they flew, they were headed generally east. A week earlier I did see them on the wires further east. Poke around in the general area if you don't see them right away-the chamber of commerce has paid them to make an appearance...

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