Bird Board

On this date 2010

There were 13 Buff-breasted Sandpipers at the intersection of 9336 and 217 Ave. There was also a Cuban Pewee at Long PIne Key that was found on 9/5.


about 8 years ago

Yeah? Well yesterday there were no buff-breasted sandpipers at the intersection of 9336 and 217 ave. There were also no sandpipers in the field in front of Benito Juarez Park. Nor were there buff breasted sandpipers in the the fields on 217 ave. North of 9336. There was also no Cuban Pewee reported.

about 8 years ago

Yesterday was not a very good birding day. I don't know what happened, but seems the Buff-breasteds didn't show up this year. Didn't hear of any in Palm Beach either. Only a small number of Uplands, but those too were way down from their usual numbers.

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