Bird Board

Migration Broward II

More warblers are coming in, L. Waterthrush (several locations) Black & WHite, American Redstart, Prairie anda Prothonatary.
Many Spotted Sandpipers have also been reported.


about 6 years ago

With the warblers in Parkland there was also a Yellow-billed Cuckoo.

about 6 years ago

Aug 8 Shorebirds & Gulls.
Mizell and Johnson SP (former John Lloyd) : Semipalmated Plover 8, Piping Plover 3, Willet 11,
Sanderling 2, Ruddy Turnstone 4, Spotted Sandpiper 4 and Semipalmated Sandpiper 1. Over 100 Laughing Gulls.

about 6 years ago

One Banded Piping Plover Y/P UL - B/B UR
Upper Left leg Yellow over Purple
Upper Right leg Blue over Blue
No metal band s seen or flags

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