Bird Board

migrants, hurricane swallows

On Wednesday October 6th. I birded A.D. Doug Barnes Park. There was a nice assortment of migrants present. I had about eleven species of warbler but no Golden-winged Warbler or Swainson's Warbler. Scarlet Tanager, Summer Tanager, Swainson's Thrush, Gray--cheeked Thrush, calling Alder Flycatcher and calling Acadian Flycatcher as well as an Eastern Wood-Pewee were present. Mike Vasi told us about a Bell's Vireo that he found. We were able to relocate it in the "Rooster area". The vireo was in the hammock area on the north side of the entrance road just after you enter the park. It was high in some oak trees which is not typical for a Bell's Vireo. I have included a photo of the Bell's Vireo as well as the Acadian Flycatcher.

Yesterday after being stuck in the house all day, I went out looking for Hurricane Matthew birds. I had six species of swallow, Cave Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Bank Swallow, Barn Swallow and Northern Rough-winged Swallow. I tried the best that I could to turn one of the swallows into a Mangrove Swallow but could not. I figured with the one reported by David Simpson and Cameron Cox from Long Key State Park, that I had a chance of finding one. Yes, I am always the optimist when It comes to finding rare birds. Oh well, there is always today or tomorrow or the next day............................

Dsc 8452 bells vireo Dsc 8458 acadian flycatcher Dsc 8508 northern rough winged swallow Dsc 8511 tree swallow


Larry Manfredi
almost 8 years ago

I forgot that I also had Tree Swallows.

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