Bird Board

Miami Shores - Winter Denizens

Hey all,

I've been working the Miami Shores area here and there the past few weeks on my quest to find something unusual wintering the oak-clad neighborhoods that I grew up around. So far, the Black-throated Gray or Townsend's Warblers that I imagine must be around in one of these wooded Miami neighborhoods eventually have eluded me. However, I have found healthy mixes of wintering passerines, including 16+ species of warblers, Baltimore Orioles and Summer Tanagers so far this winter.

A pair of Spot-breasted Orioles has taken up residence in my parents' yard, spending most of the day working the oaks and palms. As I type, the two whistle to one another to maintain contact. Other exotics include Chestnut-fronted Macaws, White-winged and a growing number of White-eyed Parakeets.

Tree Swallows, always unusual to see in Miami proper, flew over this morning shortly after seeing dueling Peregrine Falcons and a light morph Short-tailed Hawk kettling with vultures.

Remember, peeps, that some of the best winter birding in South Florida is in our own neighborhoods. Check out your local patches!

In the days leading up to the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival, an assortment of birders from out-of-town will be joining me for a couple days that will begin at Markham Park tomorrow morning and lead us to southern Miami-Dade and Everglades National Park and possibly the Florida Keys. See you out there, and hopefully we turn up something exciting.

Alex Harper


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