Bird Board

Louisiana Waterthrush at the Annex/Cutler Wetlands

It was a bit dreary, foggy and windy this morning at Lucky Hammock and the Annex. I in fact made it at sunrise after doing some owling (Great Horned and Eastern Screech) in ENP.

I did not have anything terribly out of the ordinary during my hour and a half at Lucky Hammock, but passerines were everywhere. It was far from a thorough sweep.

I did have both waterthrush species at the Annex, right before the yellow gate on the east side of the road. I heard the Louisiana then pished it in closer to the chain link fence before seeing it. A Northern joined it, as well.

On the way out, seven Scissor-tailed Flycatchers and four Western Kingbirds were working the wires before the turn for Aerojet yet again.

On the way back to Miami, I stopped briefly at Cutler Wetlands and relocated the previously reported American Wigeons and female Northern Pintail.



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