Bird Board

Lots of warblers moving through...

There are lots of migrants out there right now! I did a little lunch break birding at the Palmetto Bay Village Center and had 63 warblers of 12 species in 40 minutes. Hightlights included my first Canada Warbler (in Florida) and a lovely fall Chestnut-sided Warbler. Full eBird checklist link below.

eBird checklist including Canada photo


about 9 years ago

Guess I better take a birding break

Eloso Coddence
about 9 years ago

Due to that early AM storm?

Judd Patterson
about 9 years ago

I was able to relocate the Canada Warbler this evening around 5:30PM. It gave brief, but beautiful views to several of us for ~30 minutes. The best trees this evening were the yellowish ficus and several seagrapes just to the northwest of the parking lot.

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