Bird Board

Looking for help with confirmation for possible Franklin's Gull

Possible Immature Franklin's Gulls seen tonight at Snook Islands Natural Area in Lake Worth, FL. Great spot by Marcello who noticed that the bird appeared smaller than the nearby Laughing Gulls and had a very dark black hood. Also present was a Dunlin, Red Knot, Great-Black Backed Gull and about 25 other species. Thoughts?



Kenny Miller
almost 9 years ago

Sorry here are the photos:

 photo frgu3_zpsi9fm8n9x.jpg

Kenny Miller
almost 9 years ago

 photo frgu_zpsdvmupkv8.jpg

Bill Pranty
almost 9 years ago

Hi Kenny,

No question it's a juvenile Franklin's Gull.

Best regards,

Bill Pranty
Bayonet Point, Florida

Kenny Miller
almost 9 years ago

Thanks Bill!

Gavin Aquila
almost 9 years ago

Looks like this cold front drove quite a few of them to the east coast. For rather rare species to the northeast. There were over 200 estimated in Cape May today, 11/13/15.

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