Bird Board

Long-billed Curlew (Browns Farm Road, Palm Beach, 8/21)

Eliana and I explored the Everglades Agricultural Area in Palm Beach County today for shorebirds and other specialty species -- and did the area deliver in a big way!

The first flooded field along Browns Farm Road had a LONG-BILLED CURLEW -- an apparent first eBird record for Palm Beach County. The second flooded field further down the road added large numbers of 13 shorebird species, including Willet and Ruddy Turnstone. The predominant large wader was Snowy Egret (~200+).

The New Vandergrift Road field continues to produce, although it is beginning to rapidly dry out. Highlights among 11 shorebird species included Stilt Sandpiper (~20) and Pectoral Sandpiper (~35). There were also over a half-dozen Gull-billed Tern and Blue-winged Teal present. However, the true spectacle was the sheer number of large wading birds (~270 Wood Stork, ~65 American White Pelican, ~110 Great Egret, ~46 Roseate Spoonbill).

Great time to be out there!


Browns Farm Road Checklist


about 8 years ago

Awesome find for any location here on the east coast, especially inland!

Thomas A Smith
about 8 years ago

The Curlew was still there as of 11 am this morning 8-22-16. The second flooded field was dried out over night but still contained huge numbers of Waders.

cheryl lachance
about 8 years ago

Out looking for the curlew, not seen, this was at 5 pm today. I was looking during and after a huge thunder and lightening storm.

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