Bird Board

Latest Info

Hi everyone

Heading over to South Florida from the UK in about a weeks time. Just wondering if there is any up to date information or hints tips that any of you might have that would be useful. I've looked at the latest rarity news and I've also looked at ebird - which is useful but not always perfect for directions within a site...

In particular, any one know of any sites that are producing reliable sightings of any of the owl species?

I'm familiar with the area - especially SW Florida (Fort Myers to Naples area) - have visited about a dozen times. But things like owls are always tricky to know without recent and specific knowledge - such as look half way up the third tree on the right etc...

In addition, any info on sites in the Miami area - and best times to go would be useful. Have struggled in the past with some of the exotics which often seem to go to ground during the hotter middle part of the day.

Any information hugely appreciated - feel free to email -

Many thanks



Brian Rapoza
over 4 years ago

Have you tried clicking on the Birding Locations or South Florida Specialties buttons?

over 4 years ago

Hi Brian

Thanks for getting back to me, very much appreciated

Yep, have looked through both - and incredibly impressed with how up to date they are! The only owl in there is burrowing owl though so any owly information would still be good if anyone has any.

I used to have a reliable spot for Great Horned but it is too overgrown now. And I've had barred and eastern screech owl at Corskscrew Swamp in the past but not consistently

Many thanks


over 4 years ago

There were two barred owls calling yesterday at 6pm in the trees next to the boat ramp at Flamingo. There are two boat ramps there, they were calling near the one used for launching into Florida Bay.

over 4 years ago

Brilliant - many thanks Juan.



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