Bird Board

Late nite radar 9/3-9//4

Checking out the NOAA radar just now 23:36 hrs est. . I am not a trained radarbirder but it sure looks like ,possibly a lot of birds may be passing over So. Fl. this evening .
Good Birding


about 8 years ago

As has been the case for the many years of watching bird movements on radar, what you are seeing is birds taking advantage of clearing weather and light winds to make the jump south. Contrary to what you might think, big movements of birds on radar mean there will be little putting down on the ground. With clear skies and no wind, birds will fly right over south Florida and continue on over the straights. Don't get too excited by these radar images. all they are showing are all the birds we will NOT see this migration.

Nico Salino
about 8 years ago

In about a half hour of sitting on my balcony, I could hear the steady stream of migrants passing overhead. Mostly Bobolinks and the occasional warbler chip. I also was able to make out a few silhouettes against the night sky because of the street lights. Pretty cool stuff.

Judd Peold
about 8 years ago

Toe , that is exactly my point .Migration goes on whether we See the birds or not . As I Said in my post .. " passing over So. Fl. " Good ears Nico .. My neighborhood is too noisy .
Good Birding ..

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