Bird Board

Kendall CBC - Trey & Judd

I covered Cutler Wetland, Sadowski and the Canoe Launch
Judd covered Palmetto Bay Village and Lakes by the Bay Park
We both finish around noon. I just realized I have to fill out a FLORIDA CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT DOCUMENTATION FORM for the Black Scoters.

15 Muscovy Duck
3 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (new for Count???)
2 Egyptian Goose
5 Wood Stork
5 Mallard
4 Mottled Duck
1 Blue-winged Teal
5 Black Scoter ***
8 Pied-billed Grebe
4 Brown Pelican
22 Double-crested Cormorant
4 Anhinga
1 American Bittern
1 Great Blue Heron
4 Great Egret
2 Snowy Egret
7 Little Blue Heron
5 Tricolored Heron
184 Cattle Egret
2 Green Heron
293 White Ibis
7 Glossy Ibis
23 Black Vulture
196 Turkey Vulture
3 Osprey
2 Cooper's Hawk
1 Red-shouldered Hawk
3 American Kestrel
4 King Rail
1 Sora
3 Common Gallinule
5 American Coot
21 Killdeer
3 Greater Yellowlegs
1 Spotted Sandpiper
2 Royal Tern
3 Rock Pigeon
2 White-crowned Pigeon
3 Eurasian Collared-Dove
19 Mourning Dove
2 Common Ground-Dove
4 Monk Parakeet
1 Barn Owl
1 Eastern Screech-Owl
1 Chuck-will's-widow
6 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
10 Red-bellied Woodpecker
1 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
1 Downy Woodpecker
1 Northern Flicker
3 Eastern Phoebe
2 Great Crested Flycatcher
1 Loggerhead Shrike
2 White-eyed Vireo
1 Yellow-throated Vireo
2 Blue-headed Vireo
1 Blue Jay
25 Fish Crow
2 House Wren
49 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
20 Gray Catbird
7 Northern Mockingbird
67 European Starling
1 Common Myna
5 Northern Parula
1 Yellow Warbler
8 Black-and-white Warbler
1 Cape May Warbler
8 Yellow-rumped Warbler
3 Yellow-throated Warbler
9 Pine Warbler
29 Palm Warbler
4 American Redstart
1 Northern Waterthrush
18 Common Yellowthroat
13 Northern Cardinal
18 Red-winged Blackbird
35 Common Grackle
2 Boat-tailed Grackle
3 House Sparrow

1 Indian Peafowl
2 Domestic goose sp.
2 Yellow-chevroned Parakeet
3 Blue-and-yellow Macaw
25 Mitred/Red-masked Parakeet

1281 Total
85 Species


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