Bird Board

Jaeger, gannet and shearwater show offshore

The great pelandgic birding (© Charlie Ewell) continued throughout the day with a never-ending parade of Northern Gannets, Pomarine Jaegers and various shearwaters. In a 24-hour period, 4 different shearwater species were accumulated by several birders positioned on Crandon Beach and South Pointe Pier. My best was a Great Shearwater, the first for my balcony list since 1996.

I had no fewer than 33 Pomarine Jaegers, with one flock of 13 birds. However, this was quickly bested by Nico. The heavy body, deep wing beats, large white wing flashes, fairly straight line flying low to the water, points to this species. Most were light adults with some young birds mixed in.

Perhaps other seawatch birders from yesterday and today will add their sightings. The young Northern Gannets that rested on the bay this morning left when the winds died down.

I was scopebombed by a kiting dark morph Short-tailed Hawk.

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almost 8 years ago

Incredible photos and report! Congrats

almost 8 years ago

What were the other 3 shearwater species? Great, Audubon's, Cory's, and Manx or Sooty?

almost 8 years ago

No Manx but the others were seen off Crandon and South Pointe.

Bill Boeringer
almost 8 years ago

Nice yard birds!

almost 8 years ago

I bet Robin is the only person in Florida, maybe the U.S., that has Red-footed Booby as a yard bird!

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