Bird Board

Islamorada Area Birding Trip, 9/14: Thick-billed Vireo and More

Eleven birders joined me for today's TAS birding trip to the Islamorada area in the Florida Keys. Our first stop was at Long Key State Park, where we rather quickly found one of the Thick-billed Vireos that have been consistently seen there there since Luis Gles first found three of them in August. Our sighting was just past the poisonwood sign near the beginning of the Golden Orb nature trail. Among other birds seen while in the park was a Chuck-will's-widow soaring over the trees, a couple of Black-whiskered Vireos and several Northern Waterthrush.

After a quick stop at the Grassy Key wetlands, where we flushed a couple of Greater Yellowlegs, we next visited Curry Hammock State Park, where we spent some time at the Florida Keys Hawk Watch with Luis Gles and Karl Pardon. Raptor activity was slow while we were there; just a couple of Peregrine Falcons and a few Ospreys and Turkey Vultures. A large flock of White-crowned Pigeons flew by while we were there; some participants also saw a Pileated Woodpecker fly by. Shortly after heading to the picnic area for lunch, Luis texted me to report a large flock of southbound American Golden-Plovers flew past!

Our last stop of the day was at Anne's Beach, where we checked out the just-opened boardwalk that replaced the one that was destroyed during Hurricane Irma. An adult Bald Eagle, a few Semipalmated Plovers and a Belted Kingfisher were our last new birds of the day.


Eric King
about 5 years ago

So glad they've opened the new boardwalk at Anne's. It was still closed just two weeks ago when I was down there. Sounds like you all had a good day.

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