Bird Board

I believe I saw a short tailed hawk

So I saw a dark black hawk with white underparts take what I think was a flycatcher in my front yard in Palmetto Bay Florida. I’m not an expert but it was clearly not any of the usual hawks I see but from what I read short tailed only live in the keys.


Brian Rapoza
over 4 years ago

Short-tailed Hawks can be found throughout south and central Florida, as well as in the Keys. They are more common in south Florida during the winter months and come in two morphs: dark and light. I saw a dark morph yesterday over my house in Kendale Lakes.

Justin Miller
over 4 years ago

I had a white morph over Loxahatchee (Arthur Marshall) on Saturday - got a few distant photos of him. I don't see them very often, but do occasionally. I got a photo of one last year over Wakodahatchee.

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