Bird Board

Hugh Taylor Birch S.P. 9/21/2016 Afternoon.

Hey Everyone . I had a nice couple of hours this afternoon at Birch .
White -crowned Pigeon !! immature or female in canopy over south side of Pavilion #1 .
Blackburnian Warbler . Northern terminus of northern trail . South side of apex of main road .
Swainsons Warbler . About 50 feet south on trail from Blackburnian site .
Chuck wills widow
Redstart 7
Ovenbird 6
No. Waterthrush
Bl. + Wh .. 2
Common Yellowthroat
Worth the sweating thru the HEAT !!!
I posted photos of the Pigeon and the Blackburnian on my Facebook page . Just go to Judd Pesold on Facebook
Good Birding .


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