Bird Board

Hugh Taylor Birch S.P. 9/12

Hey Y'all..
It started REAL slow but finished with a bit of a bang today.I'll begin with a probable Canada Warbler. The bird was on the far side of a large Ficus about 30 feet up and I only saw it from the side and beneath.It had pink legs ,faint gray streaking along the yellow sides an eyering and I saw no markings on the blueish gray wings and back.The only drawback was it fanned its tail like a Magnolia once and I saw some white.Canadas do have white under the tail as well.So ,Magnolia with pink legs ,or does anyone recall seeing Canadas fan their tail.Also flushed a Swainsons Warbler that irritadedly chipped away at me for several minutes on the North end loop trail 30 paces north of marker 11 on the east side of the trail.The large Ficus over the Ranger residence at the far north end of the park has been good all week.
Canada W. in said ficus
Cape May in said ficus 4 days in a row
Prairie 6
Parula 5
Yellow -throated W.2
Ovenbird 2
No. Waterthrush
Bl+ W 1
Worm-eating 1
Swainsons W.
Gnat catcher 6
Red-Eyed Vireo 8
also Y.B. Cuckoo
Gray and Eastern Kingbirds
Barn Swallow 5
I started at Jack Kaye Park(triangle across from George English and Bayview Elementary }at 7:15 with Yellow Throated W . Red Eyed Vireos and Parulas.I exited Birch via the north gate around noon. I did not do the west side or the campground.
Perhaps we shall cross paths tomorrow. Good birding


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