Bird Board

Hugh Taylor birch S.P. 4/10 and 4/11 plus Evergreen Cemetery 4/11

Happy spring migration everyone . Last week the only warblers at birch were a couple Palm and a singing Prairie in the mangroves .
Yesterday's list { .prior to the rain .and tornado a mile or 2 away }. I went home and napped .

Prairie 20 +
Northern Waterthrush
Parula 1
Ovenbird 4
Palm 2
Black-throated Blue
Black and white 5
Redstart 4
Today 4/11
Cape May + 1 at E.C.
Prairie 20 +
Worm eating 10 + 5 or 6 at E.C.
Black Throated Blue 5 + 2 at E.C.
Redstart 6
Black and White 7
Ovenbird 4 + 3 at E.C.
Palm 2
Parula 4 + 2 at E.C.
Added Common Yellow throat at E.C.
More catbirds at Birch than recently including one singing .. nice ,
was hoping/trying for a Hooded or Swainsons { I see that they were reported at Plantation } .
Good Birding .......


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