Bird Board

Hugh Taylor Birch S.P. 10/15

I had a really nice fall migration day at Birch.15 sp. of warbler .I could smell 20 so I finished at Evergreen Cemetery .Final total 18 and I missed a Bl. Thr. Green that Don had seen before I arrived. We tried to refind it to no avail..
The big fig at the north end continues to amaze with 10 species of warbler including the previously posted Wilson's ( a really nice male).Birch also had Swainson's Thrush and R.B. Grosbeak.
Chestnut sided
Bay- breasted
Parula lots
Redstart many
Bl.Thr Blue lots
Common Yellow throat 6
Palm 8
Yellow Throated 5
Worm-eating 1
Ovenbird 5
No. Waterthrush 1
Cape May 5
Bl.and White 4
Catbirds all over the place.
Swainson's thrush
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
afternoon at Cemetery.
I added Prairie (none at Birch !)
Tennessee, on my way out at the south fence I got GREAT low looks 25ft.up at a nice one.

earlier. several more Swainson's Thrushes,
R.B. Grosbeaks
Both Summer and Scarlet Tanager
Yellow Throated . White eyed and Red Eyed Vireo

Dawn to Dusk . 1/2 a can of Cutter's repellant ,1 gallon of water, No lunch..PRICELESS
had a blast. GOOD Birding


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