Bird Board

Hotspots for Ducks

Simple question, any good hotspots around South Florida to find wintering ducks? Anything besides Blue-winged Teals and Mottled Ducks would be good to know where to find.


Justin Miller
almost 6 years ago

Peaceful Waters in Wellington gets some different winter ducks than the eastern PB parks usually starting in December and through March or so - hooded mergansers too seem to like the place. Ruddy ducks, shovelers, lesser scaups, and green-winged teals are all fairly common there for winter. Ring-necked and wigeons are possible, and occasionally wood ducks too.

Wellington Wetlands way out west is about the only place where I've regularly found pintails each winter.

almost 6 years ago

This is also one of the most reliable spots for wintering Canvasbacks.

Luis Gonzalez
almost 6 years ago

Thank you Miller for the great sites that I need to check out! and which of the 2 sites are you talking about Robin?

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