Bird Board

Homestead and Research Road (07/23) -- hints of migration

Autumn migration seems to be picking up the pace here in South Florida with some reshuffling of the guard. The fields in Homestead were full of Barn Swallows and Purple Martins. Research Road in Everglades National Park had both Eastern and Gray Kingbird, as well as a half-dozen Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, during only a brief visit. Resident birds were still very active, including all four resident woodpeckers, Pine Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Northern Bobwhite, and Sandhill Crane.

In addition to all the wonderful migrating shorebirds, August is also a great time to look for Alder Flycatcher, Louisiana Waterthrush, Cerulean Warbler, and Prothonotary Warbler. It's time to start looking again!


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