Bird Board

Homestead and Flamingo Breeding Bird Surveys

This weekend, I completed two breeding bird surveys; Homestead yesterday and Flamingo today. Both routes end near Pay-hay-okee in Everglades National Park and together form an almost 50-mile transect extending from Homestead General Airport to Flamingo. I’ve been doing the Flamingo BBS for a number of years now but had never done the Homestead BBS before. I added four new breeding birds to the species lists: Wood Stork, Black-crowned Night-Heron and Shiny Cowbird for Homestead and Chuck-will’s widow for Flamingo. I also had three late migrants: Black-bellied Plover and Barn Swallow for Homestead and American Redstart for both surveys.

Here’s my combined list for both surveys: (H=Homestead, F=Flamingo)
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck – 4 (H)
Northern Bobwhite – 2 (H)
Wood Stork - 1 (H), 7 (F)
Anhinga – 1 (F)
Great Blue Heron – 1 (F)
Great Egret – 2 (H), 25 (F)
Snowy Egret – 2 (H), 21 (F)
Little Blue Heron – 1 (H), 3 (F)
Tricolored Heron – 1 (H), 2 (F)
Cattle Egret – 25 (H)
Black-crowned Night-Heron – 1 (H)
White Ibis – 22 (H), 22 (F)
Roseate Spoonbill – 4 (F)
Black Vulture – 3 (F)
Turkey Vulture – 15 (H), 16 (F)
Swallow-tailed Kite – 1 (F)
Red-shouldered Hawk – 1 (H), 7 (F)
Black-necked Stilt – 2 (H)
Black-bellied Plover – 1 (H)
Killdeer – 4 (H)
Laughing Gull – 13 (H)
Rock Pigeon – 1 (H)
White-crowned Pigeon – 3 (F)
Eurasian Collared-Dove – 4 (H)
Common Ground-Dove – 2 (H)
Mourning Dove – 11 (H)
Common Nighthawk – 26 (H)
Chuck-will’s-widow – 2 (F)
Red-bellied Woodpecker – 22 (H), 34 (F)
Downy Woodpecker – 2 (H), 1 (F)
Northern Flicker – 1 (H), 2 (F)
Pileated Woodpecker – 1 (F)
Great Crested Flycatcher – 7 (H), 17 (F)
Loggerhead Shrike – 4 (H)
White-eyed Vireo – 25 (H), 37 (F)
Black-whiskered Vireo – 1 (F)
Blue Jay – 1 (H)
American Crow – 14 (H), 50 (F)
Barn Swallow – 1 (H)
Carolina Wren – 2 (F)
Northern Mockingbird – 16 (H)
European Starling – 8 (H)
Common Myna – 1 (H)
Common Yellowthroat – 4 (H), 22 (F)
Pine Warbler – 11 (H), 1 (F)
Prairie Warbler – 4 (F)
American Redstart – 1 (H), 1 (F)
Northern Cardinal – 32 (H), 38 (F)
Red-winged Blackbird – 12 (H), 16 (F)
Eastern Meadowlark – 10 (H)
Common Grackle – 29(H), 6 (F)
Boat-tailed Grackle – 13 (H), 2 (F)
Brown-headed Cowbird – 2 (H)
Shiny Cowbird – 2 (H)
House Sparrow – 2 (H)


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