Bird Board

Hialeah WTP

Can anybody provide info on to where exactly is the good area to go birding in the Hialeah WTP? Went to scout the area following Google, and took me to some fields littered with all kinds of trash and a dirt road area. Have been curious to get to that area.
Thank you in advance for any information given....


Brian Rapoza
over 3 years ago

That eBird hotspot was put on the map (literally) by Hialeah birder Alberto Hernandez. I believe he birds the area by driving up and down the unpaved roads around the water treatment plant. The habitat is primarily pastures and overgrown fields. Hopefully, Alberto sees your posts and responds with additional details.

By the way; are you the same Omar Martinez who submitted an eBird checklist from STA-5/6 last Saturday that included Groove-billed Ani? If yes, I just wanted you to know that others who saw that bird on Saturday reported it (correctly) as Smooth-billed Ani.

Omar Martinez
over 3 years ago

Yes sir I am! I was in that driving tour led by Steve with several other people. Loved, will try to attend again sometime soon. I was wondering if my list was visible in eBird. It was not for me for some reason. Thank you sir...

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